All of our attorneys are specifically trained in collaborative law and mediation. Collaborative law training teaches attorneys to avoid the adversarial stances, language and approaches used by attorneys who litigate. Having learned specific collaborative forms of communication and ways of relating to professional team members, our attorneys are well-equipped to further a kinder, more respectful approach.
Throughout the collaborative divorce process, clients each rely on their attorney to explain options and the legal consequences of various possible outcomes. While your collaborative attorney has an eye on what’s best for you and your primary concerns, s/he also collaborates with your partner’s attorney to remain mindful of how to create the best possible outcomes for all family members going forward.
Collaboratively trained attorneys don’t presume to wear three hats by taking on financial and emotional challenges, in addition to the legal challenges faced by a couple. PCD attorneys recognize areas of need outside their legal realm of expertise, and actively collaborate with and rely on mental health and financial professionals to support a couple in these non-legal areas. Your team of collaborative professionals is trained to dance well together, and to model the way for you and your partner to do the same.
Collaborative divorce ensures couples have a stake in resolving their disputes out of court. If either of you decides to change course midstream and pursue litigation in court instead of the collaborative divorce process, you both agree upfront to forfeit your entire team of professionals. Retaining litigation attorneys in an adversarial model will typically significantly increase your costs and cause delays (e.g., expensive court battles, hearings, subpoenas, depositions and trial preparations). Dignity and respect are often cast aside when partners are in engaged in litigation.