Home » Leslie K. Howell, Mediator & Collaborative Divorce Lawyer

Leslie K. Howell, Mediator & Collaborative Divorce Lawyer

CONTACT: 626.351.1200 •  eMAIL: Website:

Leslie Howell is a collaborative divorce lawyer, mediator and also provides limited scope/unbundles services, including document preparation. She offers free initial consultations in person at her East Pasadena office, and also via Zoom. Leslie offers evening and Saturday appointments at no additional charge to help spouses with scheduling.

Besides choosing a process, such as mediation or collaborative divorce, it’s a good idea for couples to make sure their mediator and/or peacemaking lawyers are a good fit for them. Leslie is an experienced, compassionate mediator and lawyer. Her focus is on helping couples through the divorce process with dignity and without a court appearance. She no longer litigates and focuses her practice on settling divorce cases so that spouses can hold all of the power and decide for themselves what’s best for them and their family.

Prior to becoming an attorney, Leslie was a jazz singer. She was born and raised in a family of musicians in Los Angeles, and also lived in New York City, Japan and Hawaii. She is a mom, as well.

Leslie earned her B.A. and J.D., both at the University of Southern California. Leslie has attended numerous advanced trainings in mediation and collaborative divorce for more than 14 years, and continues to train. Read more on her website: https://pasadenamediationlawyer.com/

Leslie is currently president of Collaborative Practice California (CP Cal) 2024-2025, she’s also on the board of directors for Los Angeles Consensual Dispute Resolution Family Law Association (LACFLA), and is past president of collaborative practice group, Family Divorce Solutions. She’s a member of International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP), Southern California Mediation Association (SCMA), Black Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, Pasadena Bar Association, and Los Angeles Bar Association.

3820 East Colorado Blvd., Unit A
Pasadena, CA 91107